I have a bone to pick with the television Powers That Be. (Well, probably more than one bone, if I were to think about it for longer, but let's just talk about this particular bone for now.)
Back circa May 2002, the PTB announced that
Dark Angel was being cancelled in order for the Fox channel to make room in their schedule for Joss Whedon's (the so-called "brains" behind
BtVS...and have you heard that he and his wife just had their first kid? The crazy fool-genius is
procreating?!) new show,
Wherein lies the issue.
Firefly, in its first season, has already been slated for cancellation. Now...this is what bothers me.
Dark Angel was cancelled for the SOLE reason (and I mean SOLE) that Joss convinced Fox that
Firefly would be a hit. Now...CLEARLY, it isn't, and so
DA was cancelled for nothing. And it's not like they can now start making new episodes and put
DA back on the air, a year later. No way. Not that I wouldn't watch it if it suddenly was back on again with new stuff...
Anyway. The PTB suck. And Joss (though, thinking about it, he pretty much
is the Power That Be...). Hmmph. Did anyone here even WATCH
Firefly? Ever?